Liberian Guidelines for Examination

The Officers Examination has the purpose to measure the level of competence of a candidate to a Certificate of Competence under LISCR, including the theoretical, comprehension, sufficiency, and practical knowledge required for the correct performance of the functions, tasks, duties, responsibilities on board the vessel and with the corresponding position, in accordance with the competence regulations established in the STCW’ 78 Amended.

In order to carry out the training and examination program, you must send the documents to our training center for review

General Information:

Important: The steps mentioned below may vary depending on the analysis of your case.
Documents Review:

Kindly, provide us with the following documentation for review:

  1. Digital copy previous of all Officer CoCs 
  2. Digital copy of all STCW Training Courses Certificates
  3. Digital copy of all previous Endorsements
  4. Digital copy of all Sea Services Records/Sea Service Letters
  5. Digital copy of his Medical Certificate valid
  6. Digital copy of Passport (valid).
  7. Digital ID Photo 1.75″ x 1.75″ (45 mm x 45 mm) in size
  8. If required, additional information or documents could be requested.

Examination Process

  1. Written exam: multiple-choice format
  2. Criteria exam: practical exercise
  3. Once you approved all the examination

LISCR Examinations Scores

To the total score of the qualification on the platform and the qualification obtained in the criteria evaluation carried out by the Training Center will be added, so the sum of both the qualification of the platform and the qualification obtained by the training center must be greater than 70% total.

In this way, the evaluation of criteria (30% total) could be of help to add some points that the candidate can need after having carried out the evaluation on the platform (70% total).

•  Minimun Score per Exam Part (ExPart): 70%
•  Minimun Score per Critieria Exam (ExCriteria): 70%
• Platform Exam (PEx) represents up to 70% of the Total score
• Criteria Exam (CEx) represents up to 30% of the Total score
• To pass the final score must be up to 70% (PEx + CEx).

In order to carry out the training and examination program you should know the following:

  1. The examination is closed book.
  2. Candidates may not communicate with each other during the examination.
  3. Candidates must obtain 70% in each of the parts in order to pass the examination.
  4. You have up to five chances to retake each part of the exam and the highest grade obtained will be considered.
  5. Candidates failing under these circumstances will not be eligible for re-examination for a period of (2) years.

How to Log-In?

Examination center provide the candidate the credentials to access to the LISCR Examination Portal.
Go to website
Click the Login/Register Text in the top right corner of the page.
Type in your User name and Password in the pop-up box and press blue “Log in” box.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood these guidelines for the examination.