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Updating Deck Officers


This course is designed to meet the requirements of Rule II / 1 Section A‐II / 1, Table A‐II / 1 of the International Convention for Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978 as amended.
General Objectives

The participant having completed the course will be able to make a safe guard taking into account technological changes of the competition rules, national and international regulations concerning the safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment.


According to provisions of Regulation II / 1 Section A‐II / 1 of the International Convention for Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, STCW / 78 amended, concerning the update and revalidation of certificates for masters, officers and Radio operators.

IMO Course No: 7.03 Course Duration: 109 days (874 hours). Apply for this course »